If you wish to leave an unrestricted gift to the Outer Banks Community Foundation, we suggest the following language for your will:

“I hereby give and bequeath (____ dollars) or (the residue of my estate) or (XYZ asset) or (____ percent of the residue of my estate) to the Outer Banks Community Foundation, federal tax ID number 58-1516313. This gift is unrestricted, and the Foundation’s Board of Directors shall determine the use of the funds.”


If you wish to designate your gift to an existing fund, we recommend the following language:

“I hereby give and bequeath (____ dollars) or (the residue of my estate) or (XYZ asset) or (____ percent of the residue of my estate) to the Outer Banks Community Foundation, federal tax ID number 58-1516313. This gift shall be added to the _________________________ Fund.”


If you have specific restrictions or designations in mind, or if you wish to create and name a new fund with your gift, please contact us. We are happy to help you and your advisor(s) tailor the appropriate language for your will. Depending on your goals, it may be advisable to complete a short fund agreement with us now, during your lifetime, especially if your eventual gift would start a new fund or program. We simply want to be sure to have your wishes in writing for when that time comes.

You can notify us of your intentions but still remain anonymous to the public. Or you may wish to be recognized through our David Stick Legacy Society, which honors those individuals who have named the Outer Banks Community Foundation as the beneficiary of any type of planned or deferred gift. Adding your name to our Legacy Society may inspire others to follow your example and give back to our community.

Finally, we always recommend that you discuss your options with your family and with your attorney, accountant, and/or financial planner, as appropriate.