Note to Fund Establishers: 2021 Fund Statements were mailed on February 22, 2022. If you have not received your fund statement yet, please contact us.
When you establish a charitable fund at the Outer Banks Community Foundation, you create a flexible and effective way to achieve your charitable goals. Here are some tools to help you use your fund.
Donor-Advised Funds: Recommend a Grant, or Plan Your Grant-Making
If you have a donor-advised fund, you can use our Donor-Advised Grant Recommendation Form to recommend grants to the charities you want to help. The Community Foundation board reviews grant recommendations quarterly; please submit your recommendations at least one week prior to our regularly scheduled board meetings, which are always the first Thursdays of March, June, September, and December. We also have one last meeting on the last business day of each calendar year to consider any year-end donor-advised grants.
Not sure which grants to recommend? Looking for advice on community needs, promising opportunities, or leveraging your grants? Our staff is here to assist you with your grant-making. We can also help you (and your family or business) set your long-term philanthropic goals. Call us at 252-261-8839 to make an appointment.
Request Your Fund Information
In the first quarter of each calendar year, as soon as our auditors review our books, we automatically mail you a statement showing your fund’s activity from the prior year, and your distributable amount for the current year. To request a duplicate fund statement, a year-to-date statement (unaudited), or other information for your fund, use our Fund Services Request Form.
Nonprofit Funds: Build Your Endowment
We offer a host of resources to help nonprofits publicize their endowments and build their funds:
Sample Language for Your Donors: Click here to download sample language to share with prospective donors to your fund. This language is intended for your organization’s website but can be adapted for print publications, mailings, and more.
Trainings: We offer a seminar to our nonprofit partners on Legacy and Endowment Fundraising. The free training includes an introduction to endowments, an introduction to basic planned giving concepts (e.g., bequests, trusts), and ideas for starting the “Legacy Conversation” with your supporters. Our next Legacy and Endowment Fundraising Seminar will be held virtually in November, 2020. We are also happy to provide similar presentations for your board. Just contact our staff, and we’ll set a date.
Planned Giving Support: The Community Foundation is available to provide technical support for any planned gift to your fund, including help with bequest language, trust documents, gifts of life insurance or real estate, and more. There are no fees for our planned giving services.
Online Giving: Your donors can contribute directly and securely to your fund any time through our online donation page. We do all the accounting, handle all the tax receipts, and even cover all the processing fees for you.
Add to Your Fund
You can make additional contributions to your fund anytime through our online donation form. Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You may also use this form to make donations to your fund in honor or in memory of someone special.
Plan for Tomorrow
Consider the impact you could make beyond your lifetime. Join the many donors in our David Stick Legacy Society who plan to leave all or a portion of their estates to the Outer Banks Community Foundation. You can use a planned or deferred gift to grow your existing fund, or to create a new fund. Learn more here.