Wolfinger-Jones Family Fund Supports Breaking Through Task Force’s Mission

Pictured L-R- Michelle Wagner, Tracy Jones, and Kelly Fleming, accompanied by Roz and Boo.
By: Michelle Wagner
Since its creation by the Healthy Carolinians of the Outer Banks in 2016, the Breaking Through Task Force has been committed to reducing the stigma and barriers often encountered by those who face mental health and substance use challenges.
With mental health identified as a top health priority in recent Dare County Community Health Needs Assessments – and suicide being the ninth leading cause of death in Dare County – the Task Force recognizes the positive benefits of public awareness and educating the community about mental health issues, as well as the importance of connecting those in need to available resources.
Breaking Through Task Force is primarily funded through an ECU Health/Outer Banks Health Community Benefits Grant Program.
The Task Force was recently awarded an additional $5,000 grant through the Outer Banks Community Foundation for suicide awareness and prevention.
“We are so grateful for the support and additional funding so that we can continue to expand our efforts toward suicide awareness and have a meaningful impact on prevention in our community,” said Breaking Through Task Force Co-Chair Kelly Fleming. “Suicide affects people of all ages and has far-reaching impacts on family, friends and the community.”
The grant was supported by the Wolfinger-Jones Family Fund, which is a donor-advised fund managed by the Outer Banks Community Foundation.
The Wolfinger-Jones Family Fund was established by Nags Head residents Tony and Tracy Jones to give back to the local community.
“Suicide, suicidal ideation and mental health struggles have touched us personally, so these are issues that are important to our family,” said Tracy Jones. “We were surprised to learn of the disproportionally high suicide rate in Dare County. There are not many dedicated resources in the OBX, but the Breaking Through Task Force is one coalition trying to address what is often a stigmatized and hidden topic.”
The Breaking Through Task Force has led a number of initiatives since its inception. Among these include a series of mental health workbooks for both adults and children; participation in local outreach events; public awareness campaigns through social media and blog posts; comprehensive resource guides; a locally-focused suicide documentary; and having training Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid providers.
The Task Force also hosts a mental health and addictions counselor quarterly roundtable and is currently partnering with UNC-Chapel Hill to study suicide in Dare County. The study will explore the Impact of Cultural Nuances and Contextual Factors on Mental Health/Well-being Perceptions among Residents Aged 18-34 years in Dare County.
In addition, the Breaking Through Task Force recently put mental health resources in all Dare County libraries that include more than 30 titles related to mental health and well-being. In an effort to share resources with the community, the Task Force also regularly attends local events such as KidsFest, Artrageous, Veterans Live, Trunk or Treat and local National Night Out events.
The Task Force continues to look for ways to expand its reach in Dare County and is currently looking at opportunities to bring Teen Mental Health First Aid to Dare County to complement its Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid offerings. It is also exploring hosting a podcast that highlights local mental health concerns and topics that impact Dare County residents.
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For more information about creating a fund, please visit OBCF.org.
About the Outer Banks Community Foundation: The Outer Banks Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to fostering philanthropy and supporting local causes. Through its charitable funds and grant programs, the Foundation strives to enrich the quality of life for residents of the Outer Banks.