Trust Company of the South Current Market Conditions Presentation

Trust Company of the South (TCTS) and Community Foundation (OBCF) at Ramada Breakfast Meeting, 9-15-22. L-R Bill Noble, TCTS; Chris Sawin, OBCF; Jeff Dippold, OBCF; Burke Koonce, TCTS; MaryAnn Toboz, OBCF; Pat Regan, OBCF; Jonathan Henry, TCTS; Dan Tolomay, TCTS; Joseph Aulisi, TCTS.
We love the opportunity to learn from experts, and Community Foundation board and staff were delighted to welcome Trust Company of the South leaders to the Outer Banks in mid-September for two special gatherings.
Trust Company has been a valued and steadfast partner in Community Foundation asset management for nearly 20 years now. They have steadily out-performed the market and have provided healthy returns on investments, meaning more funds available for grants and scholarships each year.
While at the beach, Bill, Burke, Dan, Jonathan, and Joseph met with our board of directors over dinner, and then presented on Current Market Conditions to local estate planners and OBCF fund establishers at a Community Foundation networking breakfast at the Ramada.
Their slide presentation can be viewed here:
Trust Co of the South Current Market Conditions Presentation 2022.09.15
Community Foundation board and staff are dedicated to helping the Outer Banks have the resources it needs to be safe, strong, and vibrant. To that end, we steward community assets; award grants and scholarships; support nonprofits through training, convening, and grant-making; and fundraise when major disasters strike. We are planning more networking breakfasts and meetings with estate planning professionals; our next event will be in Spring 2023.